Bus Route by Departure AreaSearch bus routes by departure area

Bus routes from Furano area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Asahikawa area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Abashiri area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Kitami area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Shiretoko area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Utoro area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Mashu area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Nakashibetsu area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Akan area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Obihiro area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Kushiro area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Nemuro area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.

Bus routes from Mombetsu area

*The prices shown on the reservation screen is the lowest price for the shortest route.